Monday, March 23, 2009

Project 350

My name is Mary Anne and I am a student at the Art Institute of Portland. I am studying about sustainability and all its aspects. One of my final projects this quarter was to create a project for the 350 Project. The 350 Project is a global project to raise awareness about the CO2 levels in the Earth's atmosphere. Currently the levels of CO2 are at 387.41ppm (parts per Million) and they need to be at 350 ppm to help combat global climate change.

To alert our legislators and government to this problem, I have emailed 350 different legislators from senators, congresspeople to governors. Here is the letter I sent.

Dear Sir/Madam:

My name is Mary Anne and I am a student at the Art Institute of Portland in Portland Oregon. I am very concerned about global climate change and urge you to take action regarding this dire situation. I am writing to you as part of the 350 project which is to educate people about the levels of CO2 in our atmosphere and that we need to reduce these levels to 350ppm. I urge you to check out the website at to see what citizens all over the world are doing to combat climate change.

Thank you,
Mary Anne Evan

I urge everyone to email all the legislators in Congress, local government, state government to inform them of this situation.

It is easy to find the legislators email addresses. Just go to Google or some other search engine and type in email Congress or state legislators. There are many sites which list these addresses. Only working together will we be able to effect change and it has to come from us, since the government is elected by the people for the people. Let's make our voices heard.

Thank you,
Mary Anne